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Thursday, February 24, 2011


Phone company texts me my account balance; my credit with them (it's a prepaid plan) is $64.64.

Then I do the KenKen puzzle and two adjacent boxes catch my eye, 24x and 10+; in a 6x6 puzzle, both have only one solution: 6,4.

I go downstairs to put on music while I write, and I load my music library; at the bottom of the screen it reads "6464 items selected".

Uh... but anyway, random. Why do I notice these things...

for the nose

poem I rummaged up (summer 2009) (very perplexing)


the big nose

Life is a big nose—
a too big
and rife with danger
“Poetry Is My Country
and I Canst Not Change Her”

In some hour of need where the flowers grew
God bless those blanketed by snow
God bless the snows that lie atop our sparrow;
what use was its nose?

But in my hour of need when I plant the seed
the warmful air is stirred by sparrow’s wing (offering);
I inhale the country of the poetry,
I inhale it when it snows

but life is not worth living for;
you live it for the nose


you guys noses are not even that great