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Monday, April 27, 2009

so, back toward the back

Aaaaand we're back at school.
I thought I'd tell you that I'm really into Leonard Cohen. I've selected a few quotes from ancient interviews to share.

(When asked if he wrote songs 'on the spur'.)
"Well, there's got to be a 'spur' somewhere."
Clever! And it's true. It's not like inspiration is scheduled for 10:00 p.m. in your studio and won't show up at 3:00 p.m. during your interview! In fact, the more things going on at once, the more likely something will show up that could turn into inspiration. When you're "doing nothing except working" or "waiting for inspiration", you have no stimulus.

(When asked if he was in love, and why love features in so many of his songs.)
"Everybody who isn't in love should be divorced."
Enigmatic... It sort of assumes that marriage is the natural state, I guess. I don't know what I think (because I don't really know what he means), but it caught my eye (or ear). He went on to say "When I go down the street, either I bless everyone, or I divorce them all in their homes... one by one, stare at the houses and violently divorce the inhabitants."

(When asked if he thought that putting his anguish into writing and selling it was ethical.)
"Well, selling it is just about the best thing you can do with anguish."
Haha! Kind of unfriendly, but it's sorta true. I don't think "selling" is the word I'd prefer to use, but I think that turning a negative emotion into profit (of a non-financial kind... of a redemptive, or even worshipful, kind) is the best thing you can do with it. He goes on to clarify, "Well, I don't think I make any money off of it..." :)

(When asked if his brand of using his own life and the people involved in it was whoring.)
"If it's good enough it becomes anonymous. It's no longer about a certain girl, it's about all girls, it becomes the experience of life rather than an experience in life."
Enough said! Of course, it doesn't mean the author becomes anonymous. His experiences become everybody's... which is the ultimate goal of poetry. So yeah, s'how it goes when it's good.


That's all, folks!

Friday, April 24, 2009

drug companies runnin' the snack foods business!

The food I am currently eating is titled with a triple-drug-allusion: "Stoned Wheat [Weed?] Crackers".
See? see? STONED, WEED, CRACK. Gasp!

missed th' bus

Fun story: I wake up at 7:35. I get all my clothes on. I go to Aaron's room to wake him. We go out the door.

Q: Why did you neglect brushing your teeth, washing your face, using the washroom, taking a shower, eating breakfast, completing homework, preparing budget/lunchplans, or wishing your mother goodbye?

A: I normally wake up at 6:00... my bus arrives at 7:30.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Pie and tea.
Apple pie, to be exact.
With whipped cream.
On both pie and tea.
Man oh man, if Hitler's mother had made this for him, he would have grown up a happy little boy.

Monday, April 20, 2009


just went for a two-hour walk
to get...
the HOLY GRAIL of georgetown
on the far far side of town...
in the middle of a FRIGGIN RAINSTORM!
My umbrella, it collapsed
Then folded in on itself..
.Then discovered a black hole
Inside itself.

So when I got to A&W
here I am soaked like a drowned rat
holding this mess of small metal bits and cloth
and grinning
I go into the bathroom and try to pry the lid off
I am quite sure everyone outside hears me when I say, "GOTTA TAKE THE LID OFF."
(of the garbage can.)

Walk out... without the umbrella
Order a burger and onion rings with a wide smile
shove it under my coat,
and walk right back out into the rain.
Tried to dry mah hair w/ paper towel.
long story short: very wet, got A&W here!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


i realized that if i leave anything in the microwave, i always come back when there's exactly 15 seconds left. i would cancel it, impatiently, and take it out, but it'd be 15 seconds undercooked!
the solution? put it in for 15 seconds more than it needs. when i come back and it's got exactly 15 seconds more to go, i can just cancel it and know i saved it from overcooking.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


been reading a lot of shane claiborne. frankly i am very uncomfortable.
that's just what he wants.
i had to ask myself the question: "i am going to be studying education/french ; how will that aid me in repairing poverty, or being in the slums of india?" the answer: i doubt it will at all.
i also kinda doubt any of the plans i had for my life will.
the closest was being a writer, as in, say, c.s. lewis, soren kierkegaard, or philip yancey. but frankly, their books mostly help academic-minded students learn some theology. the best outcome of it is that they go and do loving, wonderful things that these writers didn't do.
piece of--!
on the other hand, i like to remember that God's favourite thing is to turn things unexpectedly to his intentions and goodness. i don't even know what will happen tomorrow. how could i know what will happen in five years? twenty? two hundred?
there's some bright side.

also, i decided by accident to only capitalize God. believe me, it's a hard battle with the spell checker, which wants me to give equal importance to everything else as well. but hey. screw that. right?

Friday, April 17, 2009

indian yams

oh and what i am doing right now. is i am reading indian proverbs. off wikiquote. they are fun.
just remember:
when discussing elephants, do not bring up yam matters.
leave the damn yams out of it.
i'm warning you.

that is all.

hello world

i dont wanna invoke a lot of clichés. i also dont feel like capitalizing, or using proper apostrophes. but just so you know, i can. isnt that wonderful? anyway.

so this seems weird as 100% of the people reading this might know. cuz i generally voice my thoughts out loud when i can. on the other hand i am much better at typing than... talking. with my, like, tongue. and mouth. and ... teeth. are teeth involved in talking?

regardless. what am i feeling right now. well im reading The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne; its very thought-provoking. i will definitely have to find quotes to put up here. its simply insane. the man isnt though. or so he says.

i also think mebbe this will help my style of writing for my novel. which is written a lot like this. stream of consciousness or whatever you call it. "stream of consciousnot"? i heard that phrase once. no, im lying. i made it up. how is that for surprise ending.

so, to close, hi, have a good day, and why, as a famous person once asked, is it 8:10?
the answer of course is: it's not. it's 8:40.
go get a watch.