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Monday, May 18, 2009

a divine cheapness.

I finally decided I wasn't too cheap to buy the second proof copy of Divinities ($25 for a tiny tiny change. Sigh.) So now it's being sent to Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and various other slightly smaller names. They have to review it, and then choose whether or not to list it. According to Lulu, "They almost always list it." Well, that's just fantastic, my old untrustworthy friend. We'll see how it goes. The whole process takes 6-8 weeks, because some online booksellers only update their database once every two months.

While typing this, my right ear suddenly stopped working and a huge ringing started in my left ear. The only thing I can hear is my extremely loud typing.


  1. its like a subway in here!

  2. Delayed reaction. I'm sorry. First time on Blogger in...weeks? Months?

